Blog ini direka bertujuan untuk meyatakan sesuatu yang benar (the truth) sesama manusia didunia dan akhirat.Sejarah,Musik,Politik,Agama,Emosi,Kejujuran,sukan,Sains dan Teknologi. This blog aspire by my true story about all the thing have been done.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
The Last daY
The Truth a.k.a Kebenaran
Hidup ini banyak dugaanya, tapi bagi aku adalah sesuatu yang indah kita menghadapinya. Tuhan menjadikan ini ade sebab nya mahu pun baik atau pun buruk semua nya ada jawapanya dan semua manusia didunia ini ade tugasnye masing-masing yang dikurniakan untuk dilaksanakan demi alam dan semesta. Seorang lelaki kita harus percaya yang kita ni diturunkan untuk memimpin umat manusia untuk menjadi kan dunia yang kita duduki ni lebih baik dan sempurna.Wanita pulak dikurnaikan untuk lelaki sebagai pelengkap seseorang lelaki untuk menjadikan dunia ini lebih baik daripada hidup ini keseorangan. Ape yang berlaku kepada ku dan sekeliling ku ini adalah sesuatu yang benar yang patut kita hadapi dengan kewajaran, kejujuran, dan keiklasan supaya kita tidak menipu diri sendiri lagi. Ape salah nye kita menyatakan kebenaran? mahu pun baik ataupun buruk? Kita tak rugi menyatakan kebenaran dalam hidup ini malahan kita akan mendapat KESEMPURNAAN dari nye dan sesama manusia.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
The Night i Learn Something
Friday morning adalah sesuatu yang indah bagi semua umat islam dan aku. Semalam aku di bawah kaki KLCC untuk melihat ape yang terjadi kat Malaysia dan diriku. Aku lihat ramai rakyat Malaysia berpusu-pusu masuk Zouk untuk menghiburkan hati, ade yang tua, muda dan kupu-kupu malam. Aku melihat balik mereka berada disitu disebabkan mereka berlebihan Stress dari berhibur, tapi 1 thing yang aku tahu mereka menikmati malam jumaat 2 dengan hati yang luke. Kenape mereka jadi bergitu, jawapannye ade disetiap hati nurani mereka sendiri. Mereka mencarik ape yang tidak ade dalam hidup mereka iaitu L.O.V.E yang tiada kejujuran diantara mereka. Ini berlaku kerana lifestyle hidup dimalaysia ni tak kira ape bangsa pun say No Commitment TO Love. Why mereka rasa Commitment 2 Love is something Hustle and can make them self Crazy. There is something wrong wit this, Allah give LOVE 2 make peapole peace and harmony 2 us to make this planet better place.
Sejarah Hari ini
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 - 30 April 1945) adalah seorang perancang yang pintar, pemidato yang hebat dan seorang tokoh politik yang telah menjadi idola di Jerman antara akhir 1920-an dan 1940-an. Beliau terlibat dalam Perang Dunia I tetapi memain peranan penting dalam Perang Dunia II. Beliau terkenal sebagai orang yang berjaya menyatukan penduduk berbahasa Jerman walaupun akhirnya negara itu berpecah kepada dua bahagian iaitu Jerman Timur dan Barat. Kini beliau dilabel oleh kebanyakan orang Barat sebagai orang yang kejam, bengis dan diktator yang gila kuasa.
Today update
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Same old days again............
12.ooam-Dah masuk hari khamis dah tapi aku rase macam hari-hari yang pernah aku lalui.Maybe sebabnye myrevange not been yet 2 profil yet. Hari ini aku balik umah same like everyday bezanye Wei yen and Boy(jiran aku punye anak yang suke panggil aku abang.......bila aku balik umah) x ade g mane entah yang selalu buat aku terseyum.aku kat mamak lagi pas makan nasi goreng kampung (boleh lah kedai ni mkn ngan siap wi-fi sekali).Aku selalu teringat hari-hari idup aku ni macam air teh yang panas ni yang menunggu aku untuk habiskan cepat sebab mamak ni dah meyampah tengok aku lama-lama kat cini. Hari berganti hari aku masih tunggu ape nak jadi kat diri aku pasni sebab all this day aku go wit the flow. Marah,bengang,tired,lonely dan etc dah jadi darah beku kat ati aku. Maybe, aku baik sangat ngan orang sampai jadi macamni.Realiti dan Fantasi adalah subjek paling lama aku kaji dalam idup aku selama ni. Aku happy orang d sekeliling aku senyum dan bahagia ngan idup masing-masing tapi the TRUTH aku seorg yang terlalu obses ngan CINTA yang aku jarang dapat dalam idup aku, sampai orang ambik kesempatan keatas aku.Realiti is My life Suks.......Fantasi..........not comming in like always. Coz my soul is gone....
(Malaysian Mirror) - The teaching of Science and Mathematics will revert to Bahasa Melayu while vernacular schools would conduct it in their mother tongue Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced. The implementation would take effect in 2012 he added. As Education Minister Muhyiddin said the cabinet today approved the advice by the ministry to empower the Malay language and strengthen the teaching and learning of the English language at all levels of schooling. Implementation of policy The implementation of the policy of using the Malay language in the teaching of the two subjects would be carried out in stages in Year One and Year Four in the primary school and Form One and Form Four in the secondary school beginning in 2012 Muhyiddin explained. However, he said, the change would not involve students in Form Six and matriculation class. To ensure the implementation of the new strategy did not affect the achievement of students who were taught the two subjects in English, the teaching of and examination for the two subjects would be conducted in both languages until the last batch of students who were taught in English completed in 2014. He said the government made the decision after scrutinizing the outcome of studies and surveys carried out on the teaching and learning of the two subjects in English which showed it could not be implemented as desired. "What is implemented is the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English or Malay languages," he said. Monitored its usage Muhyiddin said monitoring by the ministry last year found only a small group of teachers were using English language fully in the teaching of science and mathematics. "On the average, the percentage of English usage is between 53% to 58% out of the total time allotted for science and mathematics," he said. In addition, he said, only a small group of mathematics and science teachers in secondary and primary schools who took the English language Proficiency Level Evaluation test last year achieved the proficiency level. He said the precentage of students who scored grades A, B, and C for the science subject in the UPSR last year dropped from 85.1% to 82.5% for urban schools and from 83.2% to 79.7% for rural schools. "For mathematics, the achievement of urban schools dropped from 84.8 per cent to 80.9 per cent while the achievement of rural students dropped from 80.9 per cent to 77 per cent," he said. He said the gap in achievement between urban and rural schools in science and mathematics was becoming wider when the PPSMI (teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English) was implemented. Not pressured into making a decision On Tuesday in MUAR the Education Ministry disclosed it submitted its findings on the use of English in the teaching of Science and Mathematics to the Cabinet for its approval. Having met various groups and non-governmental organisations including former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin said he compiled their views on the matter. The Cabinet would not be hasty in making its decision and would give importance to the needs of students and the country’s educational system he explained. Expected to outline the details of the policy after the Cabinet meeting Muhyiddin said "Whatever the decision, it will not be due to pressure from any party or groups and it should not be viewed as politically inclined.,” He told reporters here there have been calls from various groups for the policy to revert to before 2003 when the subjects were taught in Bahasa Melayu in national schools and either in Chinese or Tamil in national-type schools. The issue has seen a rare alliance between Malay and Chinese educationists against the switch although there are calls by many parents and entrepreneurs for English to be maintained. Would such alliance amongst educationists having a vision for a better Malaysia benefit the country in the long run when much of technological information in transfer of skills between research institutions and companies is in English? Three ways to resolve the issue Meanwhile, The Star quoted a ministry official as saying that Muhyiddin has three ways to resolve the issue. “First, he could decide to maintain the present system and set another deadline for a further review. “Second, he could reverse the medium of instruction to that of pre-2003. “Third, he could make the teaching of Mathematics and Science in primary school in Bahasa Malaysia and the vernacular languages, and in English for secondary schools,” said the official. Knowledge first In an interview with The Star in May Education deputy minister Dr Puad Zarkashi had said that any decision would take into account the ministry’s readiness in manpower and teaching methods. "We will consider the opinions of every party, especially scholars, before making any decision,” he said, adding that most English teachers were based in the cities not in the rural areas. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had stressed that Education is the nation's most important tool in breaking the cycle of poverty the surest route to long-term economic growth. That is why, he said, his administration is forging a new economic model that puts knowledge first. Individuals writing to the media had urged Muhyiddin to be proactive. One person wrote: “The Minister is doing our nation a great disservice in delaying a decision on the teaching of science and mathematics in English in our schools." Language difficulties C CELESTINE of Malaysian Mirror writes: For Malaysia, developing a pragmatic people with a paradoxical character, to attain selfhood is not inconsistent with its belief system. The ability to reflect and think creatively in the age of the Internet is hindered by the controversy of which language to use in the name of unity and patriotism. Yet it is a question of whether Malaysians want to attain selfhood; for which investment is in life long education encompassing creative arts and humanities as well as science and technology. The teaching of core subjects in the national language is not going to erode creative individuality but it may cause them not to interact dynamically with people from other countries. Language that welds a nation can divide due to the self serving interest in man, to use it to debilitate instead of strengthening. Those using the same language do not necessarily think the same. |
this day i will commit my love 2 blog
Limp bizkit is Back Bring that beat back
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
the day i will not care about people anymore!
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About Me
- Jackass Dukegone
- Kuala Lumpur, kuala lumpur, Malaysia
- aku sorang Islam yang ingin masuk syurga...dengan Keredaanya Banyak benda aku tengok sampai aku jadi macamni?
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Bring The Beat Back
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Bring that beat back
Borak Gang
Blog Archive
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- The Truth a.k.a Kebenaran
- The Night i Learn Something
- Sejarah Hari ini
- Today update
- Same old days again............
- this day i will commit my love 2 blog
- Limp bizkit is Back Bring that beat back
- the day i will not care about people anymore!